"FES! Fem Esport i Salut"

The Union of Sports Federations, together with the Catalan Volleyball Federation, Catalan Subaquatic Federation, and Catalan Padel Federation, in collaboration with MY LANGUAGE COACH, launches the project "FES! Fem Esport i Salut".

This project addresses the negative impact of COVID-19 on adolescent mental health through sports practice, emotional skills, and English learning. The three activities - sports sessions, English classes, and social skills learning sessions - are carried out in a non-formal education setting, focusing on increasing protective factors for healthy socialization and reducing risk factors for risky behaviors.

 It aims to create a supportive environment that promotes the well-being of adolescents during these challenging times.

The project is funded by the "La Caixa" Foundation.

Looking Forward to Coaching You MLC